Philippe Braud
Eske Ewen
Solenn Hamelin
Volontary Service ("Preparation of the festival Univerciné allemand")Hello! My name is Solenn, I am 25 years old and starting January, I will be doing my civic service at the CCFA, to help prepare for the Univerciné Allemand festival. Read more about me

Schirin Berndt
Emilien Chaix
Volontary Service ("Preparation of the festival Univerciné allemand")
Louis Coyard
Volontary Service ("Promoting Franco-German relations")
Olivia Scheer
DAAD Linguistic Assistant
Martin Krechting
Regional representative of the Franco-German Citizen Fund
Clara Becker
Language TeacherAfter studying in Berlin, my adventures brought me to Nantes, where I have been living since the end of 2017, where I am enjoying the city, the cultural & associative life, and the beaches. Read more about me

Sébastien Helbecque
Choir director for the CCFA's Franco-German choirTrained as an engineer, then project manager, but most of all choir director... slowly immersed in music since childhood, I started... Read more about me

Brigitte Koffmahn
WebmasterMy name is Brigitte Koffmahn; original from Bavaria, I became a Nantaise for a year from 2017 to 2018. It is then that I discovered the CCFA and that I decided I wanted to work there... Read more about me
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